They are recommendong higher doses of melatonin, that's why our formula has vaious natural ingredients to make it stronger!
Although long known to be helpful for sleep, lately it've been recommending higher doses of melatonin because of its numerous other benefits.
10 mg is the dose I now recommend. Not only does it help sleep, but it also seems to improve autonomic function, with an associated decrease in nighttime acid reflux. This benefit has also been demonstrated in a number of studies.
Now another study shows that the higher 10-15 mg melatonin dose also improves mood, quality-of-life, and even helpfully balances cortisol levels in those with fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, and widespread discomfort.
Doses of 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 mg were used in the study. The 9 mg dose was enough to begin to improve overall quality-of-life in those with severe fatigue, discomfort, insomnia, and cognitive dysfunction. At 12 mg, people found that their mood also approved. 15 mg was often the most effective dose. Nighttime urinary cortisol levels (which must be low to be able to sleep) were also helpfully decreased with the treatment. Using 15 mg of melatonin, pain decreased by about 40%. Anxiety also decreased considerably.
It took about 10 days at a given dose to fully see the benefits.
Our Zen Rest , not only have melatonin but also various natural ingredients to make it more powerfull.
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